High-Reliability Market Segments

Energy & Renewables

At Emerald, we are deeply committed to the continued advancement of this evolving energy segment. We provide innovative solutions that help reduce energy consumption and improve alternative energy sources. Our passion for sustainability and our expertise in electronics manufacturing makes us the ideal partner for companies looking to make a meaningful
impact in the renewable and traditional energy markets.

Traditional & Renewable

Class 3 IPC Inspection Guidelines
for Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) 

Customized Track Trace
& Control (TTC) Systems

Emerald Technologies specializes in providing electronics manufacturing services for renewable and traditional energy markets. Our wide range of engineering expertise, manufacturing processes, and fabrication services support the entire product lifecycle, from design to production.

As demand for renewable energy and energy storage solutions continues to grow, the need for new technologies to produce clean, renewable energy and energy storage devices, as well as to reduce energy consumption across all segments of the industry, presents a unique opportunity for companies, research facilities, and universities to capture a significant market share.

At Emerald Technologies, we have extensive experience with power management systems devices containing wireless sensors, modules, and gateways required for remote monitoring and automation—improving resilience, reliability, and protection of integral operations.